So, the leader of The Magic Tigers just got shot by one bullet...

A medallion is left behind...
The medallion is tied to a cross (what, is this a religious thing all of a sudden?), and our hero walks away. The Magic Tigers are dead, and the world is safe......

The rest of the ending shows the cross through various seasons of the year.

A rabbit hops by in winter...

Butterflies flutter around it in the spring...

Frogs hop by it in the rain...

A crow stands on it...

Finally the music starts to build up and we see the cross one last time. It looks like it's all over, except... oh, what's this!

All of a sudden the dirt starts shaking!!!
Could it be? Has the prophecy of the medallion come true, and the leader of the Magic Tigers is returning from the dead?!?!!?
Nope, it was just a gopher. He then burrows his way back into the ground.
...what, that seems like a letdown? I think that was the whole point, to lure the player into thinking that the bad guy was going to come back at the end and completely leave the door open for the sequel. But of course, since it looks like the game wasn't released, there's no need for a sequel in the first place. Oh well, I thought it was a pretty clever ending since it completely tricked me like that, but your mileage may vary.
But yeah, don't you just hate those movies where the end of it shows the bad guy somehow survived what was supposed to have killed him? You know, like in.... well, I'm not going to name any names here.... but yeah, those movies blow. |